Dhaka University library is offering trial access to e-books from the following publishers:
1. SAGE: http://knowledge.sagepub.com
Subject coverage: Business and Management, Communication and Media Studies, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Education, Engineering and Materials Science, Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Health and Social Care, History, Life and Biomedical Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computing, Philosophy, Politics and International Relations, Psychology, Research Methods and Evaluation, Sociology, etc.
2. Cambridge: http://ebooks.cambridge.org
Subject coverage: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science and Engineering, Medicine, English Language Teaching, etc.
3. World Scientific: http://www.worldscientific.com
Subject coverage: Architecture/Building Management, Asian Studies, Business and Management, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics and Finance, Engineering/Acoustics, Environmental Science, General and Life Sciences/Biology, Materials Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, Nonlinear Science, Chaos and Dynamical Systems Physics, Social Sciences, etc.
4. GALE-CENGAGE: http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/ugc_dhaka
(Gale Virtual Reference Library)
Subject coverage: Encyclopaedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
Important: You will need password to login to Gale. Please contact the Library at 01716628862 (Mr. Hasan Jamil Shishir) or ext: 4294, 4262
5. Tailor & Francis: http://www.crcnetbase.com
Subject coverage: Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Built Environment, Science, Technology, Medicine and Law from renowned imprints such as Routledge, Psychology Press and Focal Press.
For additional information, please visit the Library Website: www.library.du.ac.bd